Chuckles' Pick'em-ups!
(Bring your own dipping sauce)

Ed Sez : Alrighty, ladies and gents, the time has come to lend Chakotay a hand. His pick-up lines obviously need some refining and updating, cos Janeway just ain't buying *g* NB: I'm almost out of webspace, so as of June 2001 I can't accept anymore submissions.

Choice1 Choice3 Choice2

Choice4 Choice5

These are the ones that you've kindly sent in - Thanks guys! I'll be sure to forward them on to the hapless hunk. *g* Aww, poor guy....

Bogart Kathychat2 Kathychat1

nic1 Gizmo nic

sherry2 Monique Hayley

Amanda Myers Amanda Rose Sherry

Unimatrix0 Unimatrix

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